old blog


something i’ve really loved about moving back is being able to have playdates with church friends again.  believe me when i say that my kids really, really love this part about being back.

because playdates mean having another buddy to dress up with.  and make faces with.  this is mad face.  (watch lauren in these pics- totally cracks me up how she completely ignores me in order to watch the faces made by friend a.  recall this is the one who normally is always making the faces.)

scared face.

surprise face!

a little friend for my allie.  something i’ve been praying for for her and am so grateful that God answers these seemingly small requests.

the girlies wanted to have a pretend picnic and requested strawberry smoothies, ham, crackers, and white peach slices for it.  thankfully i had all the ingredients on hand.  (just kidding, that’s what i had made them for snacks and that’s what they got for their picnic.  very marilla-esque.)  they all folded hands and bowed heads and let lauren pray for their meal.

meanwhile, the boys were in their “base” upstairs.  no intruders allowed.  unless she bears strawberry smoothies.

mikey’s buddy j is one of the sweetest kids i know.  he loooves babies and is always coming up to jonah at church to say hi and pat his head.  so j was pretty happy to see jonah when he finally woke up from his nap and came down just in time for nerf gun wii.

just guessing here but i think the feeling was mutual.

you wanna know what i love about little girls?  i love how they’ll naturally stay connected, be it through holding hands, or sitting right next to each other, or leaning close to share confidences.  or sometimes just touching feet is enough.

and you wanna know what i love about this little guy?  everything.  pretty much.

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