old blog

first day favorites.

alright, so like i mentioned in my previous post, we started school this year on september 1st.  bright, but not-so-early.  one of the perks of homeschool- we get going any ol’ time we feel like.  er, more like we get going once jonah’s down for his morning nap.  then it’s high-intensity to get it all done before little dude wakes up again.  some days successful, some days not so much.

anywho, the first order of business on the first day was to get pictures of each of the kiddos.  i’ve usually always taken them outside our front door, never minding that the particular front door has changed every year.

the other differences this year?  no backpacks!  and no rushing out the door to get to school on time!  and no need for new school uniforms!  and NO HOMEWORK!!!

oh and immediately after taking our first day of school pictures, instead of hustling off to school, we all turned around and went right back inside to begin our very first year of homeschool.

and i’m happy to report, so far so good.  ๐Ÿ™‚

first grade favorites:

color: blue
food: trader joe’s 3-cheese pizza
book: pokemon
activity: building with legos
sport: football
toy: still his faithful old bear
tv show: voltron
movie: star wars the clone wars

kindergarten favorites:

color: pink
food: spaghetti
book: angelina ballerina
activity: coloring/drawing
sport: ballet
toy: still her blankie
tv show: [still deciding]

preschool favorites:
color: pink
food: meat
book: curious george
activity: snuggling with mommy in the mornings
toy: her memory foam pillow
tv show: go, diego, go
baby favorites:
person (besides mommy and daddy): mikey
food: milk aka still waiting for mommy to get her act together and get going on feeding me solids
book: whatever is being read to the other kids
activity: sucking my thumb
toy: anything i can get my small-yet-surprisingly-strong-grip on, be it mommy’s shirt, allie’s hair, or 
       mikey’s face.
accomplishments: just turned 6 months old, weighing in at 14 lbs 1 oz (though that is pretty inaccurate because i was wailing and wiggling and putting up a pretty good fight to get off that scale and the doctor was impressed by my strength and agility), rolling all over the place, getting up on all fours trying to figure out this crawling thing, flipping one leg forward and propping up to a sitting position, splashing like crazy in the bath, having very strong stranger anxiety which started at 4 months (and i’m told is just like my big brother when he was a baby), and tiring myself out with all these antics so i take two naps a day which last between 1.5-2 hours, and sleep 11 hours at night.
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  • Kate Avedissian

    love the post as usual, good luck on the home schooling thing, but since you actually went to school to teach, it should come natural. I would be a fish out of water and everyone would be in tears…including myself. ;D

  • michelle

    Sarah- ha ha! I looked into ordering some denim jumpers on amazon but unfortunately they are out of stock and don't know when or if they'll be available again. Sadly, my Laura Ashley floral print dresses will have to do for now.

  • Anonymous

    Stella Lee
    my kids love voltron and pokemon, too. ๐Ÿ™‚ great start to a new year of school mama!
    September 22, 2011 at 3:20pm

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