old blog

can’t wait.

phil’s been in salt lake city this week.  he’s there to take the oral board exam tomorrow morning but went a few days early in order to take a review course and get some undistracted study time in.  he’s pretty nervous. 

just before he left, the kids and i slipped a little surprise for him into his suitcase.  i told the kids to keep it a secret so that daddy would find the surprise when he got to the hotel.  it went down something like this:  mikey stage-whispering to me within phil’s earshot, “mommy, did you put THE SURPRISE into daddy’s suitcase yet?”  and a few minutes later, allie happily says to phil, “mommy put in a surprise in your suitcase.  it’s a picture of us.  but it’s a secret until you get there, ok daddy?”

it’s actually very comforting to know how secretive my kids aren’t.

so anyway, here the are not-so-surprise pictures we made for daddy.

their dad totally does rock.  (mikey’s shirt says it too, but his little brother happens to be covering it up.)
the girls.
the boys.
the kids and their tired mama have really, really missed daddy and can’t wait to see him tomorrow.

if you have a minute, could you please pray for his test tomorrow?  that he wouldn’t be anxious, that the Lord would grant him peace that passes understanding, that he’d do well and can put this test behind him, that he’d have safe travels back home, and ultimately, that he would seek to honor the Lord in the way he handles this test tomorrow?  thank you.  🙂

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  • Lorie

    Their daddy does ROCK! And what an encouraging wife you are! I wonder…when will he ever be DONE with all of these tests?! How stressful! I'm sure he'll do great, but we're praying today! How awesome that ALL FOUR of your kiddos are smiling so wonderfully in the pictures, too. That never happens around here.

  • Anonymous

    Evangeline Chung Kwon
    LOVE the pictures! will be praying. =)
    September 22, 2011 at 10:43pm

    Michelle Tsai thanks evangeline! 🙂
    September 22, 2011 at 10:43pm

    Sonia Joo
    Will do!
    September 22, 2011 at 10:55pm

    Kate Avedissian
    praying, and after that i'll pray some more 😀
    September 23, 2011 at 6:04am

    Michelle Tsai Thank you guys!
    September 23, 2011 at 8:29am

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