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arizona trip, part 2.

lest you think it was all play and no work on our vacation, i’ll have you know that i did pack up our school stuff and we did do schoolwork there at the house, too.  two whole times!


additionally, phil had brought back this highly educational item back for mikey from salt lake city.  they learned all about excavation from this fossilized dino egg. 

they pretended to be archeologists while practicing the life skills of cooperation and teamwork.

throw in patience and forbearance when the other little sister wanted to “help”.

ok, so their efforts lasted all of five minutes before they called in the big guy for help.

which turned in to an exercise of patience of different kind as this excavation was much harder and took muuuch longer than any of us initially thought it would.

but finally, sweet success!

and a new friend for the green lizard toy allie brought along in her backpack.

the kids were even treated to a special guest lecturer who taught them all about the inner workings of the human body.

the kids were fascinated.

and stayed on task the entire time…

well, at least i’d like to believe they learned something and had a bit of fun while doing it.

extolling the virtues of the ribcage and sternum.

mikey wanted to add the skin to our poster.

and we finished up by making ball-and-socket joints!

and that my friends, is homeschooling, done the tsai family way.  🙂

next up, the ultimate vacation field trip!

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  • Esther

    love your version of homeschooling!! 🙂 i noticed that human body poster in the background of a picture from the other post and was wondering if Phil brought that along or if it came with the house, haha! wish i could have sat in on the guest lecture. the kids look so engrossed in the lesson. and WOW, Mikey is so patient with his little sisters – i don't know too many little kids who wouldn't put up a fight if someone else was trying to get in on a dinosaur egg excavation!! so heart warming. 🙂

  • Lorie

    Love it! Gotta love being able to take a vacation whenever and still squeeze in school. Wish Phil could be a guest lecturer in our school! Good planning, teacher! 🙂

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