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pumpkin carving.

for our latest fun friday, we carved our pumpkins!

but because i still had to count it as a school day, we did a bit o’ learning first.  i threw together a little “pumpkin fun” sheet the kids had to fill out first.  it included estimating the weight of the pumpkin…

he initially guessed 400 pounds.  then amended it to 40 pounds.  it was actually 8 pounds.

my awesome last-minute pumpkin sheet done a few minutes beforehand. 😉  the kids estimated the weight, circumference, used our five senses to describe the pumpkin, and then drew a sketch of the face they wanted to carve.

even the little one got a sheet to work on too.

my teacher’s assistant for the day.  setting such a good example for the kids.  😉

she was awfully proud of her paper that daddy filled out for her.

then we moved out to the garage (using leftover pink plastic tablecloth) to let the carving fun begin!

the kids wanted “happy, not scary” pumpkin faces so these “gross” eyes didn’t get used.  aside from trying them on themselves.

having these plastic pumpkin carving tools makes all the difference in the world!

she helped a little with the pumpkin gut removal.

but mostly she just supervised.

and yes, i made them taste the pumpkin in order to finish the worksheet.  mikey gagged and said it was disgusting.  apparently lots of sugar is needed to make it more palatable.

this year, we got them to help with the gut removal.  but only if given blue hospital gloves first.

but mostly, daddy ended up doing the lion’s share of the work.

the girls’ pumpkin.  i lucked out and got a pumpkin with a thin rind (is that what it’s called?) and an easy face that allie had picked out.

all done!

the boys took a bit longer with theirs.

because mostly it was a one-man job.

with three supervisors.  i think lauren was getting a little bored.

but both finally did get done and felt all lit up inside!  (what movie is that from?)

hmm, mine looks a bit more sinister with the candle glowing in it.  in any case, hope your halloween was great!

be back soon with costume pics!

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