old blog


so this year…

mikey wanted to be a ucla football player!  (he’s been VERY in to football this season.  mostly because his daddy has had more time this year to do things like watch football with his son.  it’s been really, really fun to see them bond this way).

and allie was our ucla cheerleader girl!

and lauren?  well, she was our sassy ucla cheerleader girl.

she really does just play by her own rules.

and this is about when she said, “mommy, i’m too wittle and fweezing out here.”

but, but, i had to get a pic of the special mommy-made hairbows first!

our three baby bruins.

and as for our “trick or treat rookie”?

well, he was the football, of course!

the best i was gonna get at a shot of all four of ’em.

in fact, it was a whole family affair!  daddy was the coach (he had a ucla clipboard to complete his look but had to abandon it in order to hold the squirmy football who kept trying to get away), and mommy was the fan with the foam finger.

on halloween night, we attended our church’s annual fall festival.  this was our fourth year going and has definitely become a much-loved family tradition.  the games, the crafts, the jumpers, the food, the storytime, the candy…  they love it all!

mikey making a spin-art picture.  mommy trying not to pass out from dizziness.

allie asked the balloon man for a flower.  he upped the ante and made her a bear holding a flower.  this pretty much made her night.

another highlight?  when mommy put these stickers on her ears so she could pretend she was wearing earrings.  her second thrill of the night.

and what big sister gets, little sister invariably wants too.

had to get a picture with the cutest little in-n-out worker we’ve ever seen.  🙂

posing for their annual fall festival photo.

and look!  their cousins came, too!  so glad they were able to make it because it wouldn’t have been the same without them there.

the tsai football men.

the coach with his football.

i didn’t get to see much of this one the whole night because he was so busy running all over the place.  but he informed me as we were leaving that he had the Best Time Ever.

and that makes it all worth it for this mama.

mikey won a 10-cent goldfish at fall festival.  mikey named him “tom thumb tsai” and he promptly became a member of the family.  which then meant that we ended up spending $20 for the bowl, rocks, decorative tree, and fish food for our new pet.  which may or may not survive the week.

hope your last day of october celebrations were great, too!  🙂

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  • Jenny

    oh my gosh michelle! i love love your costumes. such a cute idea for the entire family. little jonah being the football was perfect! you need to frame your family picture or use it for christmas cards. it's so cute!
    and lauren? i couldn't stop laughing at her poses. she is such a character! love it.
    btw – great job on the handmade hair bows. 🙂
    i need to get some halloween inspiration from you.

  • Anonymous

    James Lee
    Hahaha love the outfits! Especially the football!
    November 3, 2011 at 6:13am

    Kate Avedissian
    I love the new profile pictures on your blog….Jonah got so big too fast i tell ya 😀
    November 3, 2011 at 6:19am

    Jenny Lee
    even though i'm not a bruin, i can say that's one of the cutest family themed costumes i've seen. go tigers!!!
    November 3, 2011 at 11:14am

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