old blog

displaced baby.

lots to catch up on a variety of subjects but short on time to get caught up.  i get the feeling that may well sum up the next decade or two of my life.  huh.

well, no time to dwell on that either.  : p

so, homeschooling.  so far so good, i’m happy to report.  though i’m currently going through a major identity crisis in terms of curriculum and just recently changed up pretty much everything.  but more on that later.  for now, i just want to zero in on one thing.  er, person.


she is the bowling ball thrown into my juggling act of bowling pins.

i can’t blame her much though as this would have been the year she would’ve had mommy all to herself at least for a good chunk of time every day as her older sibs would be in school and her baby brother takes his morning nap.  not that she knows this of course.  but i do, and i think that makes all the difference in my feelings of guilt when it comes to my baby.

my displaced baby.

still figuring out how best to squeeze in special moments just for her to let her know she’s still very much loved and very much needed in our family.  and in my heart.

and a couple months ago, the perfect special moment presented itself.

i arranged for a surprise call just for her to let her know what a good helper she’s been to mommy.

the special caller?  none other than princess ariel herself!

and yes, it made her day.  and mine too.

because really, it’s always the little things.  <3

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