old blog

baby brother.

jonah is nine months old today.


apparently he decided this newborn business was old news and has moved on and left me in the dust.  he crawls, pulls up, attempts to climb up the stairs (mental note- time for the baby gates.  again.), has houdini-like skills when it comes to wrangling himself out of his feeding seat, and just in this last week has taken to trilling his tongue.  this is our first baby to do this and we all find this fascinating and hilarious in equal parts.

he does this tongue trilling thing whenever he’s happy and content.  which is most often just after he’s eaten.  or when we’re all in the van and a quiet moment settles over us and suddenly a pleasant little “rrrrrrrrrrr” will emit from the the middle row.  like the sound from a sweet little bird.  and then we’ll all burst into laughter.  which is then followed by jonah’s satisfied-with-himself little chuckle.  which then causes more laughter.

it’s a hoot, really.

and i keep meaning to catch him doing it on video.  along with a thousand other things i keep meaning to get to.  (assume that any correspondence i may owe you is also in that list. thank you.)

but the one thing that most strongly assures me that he has forever moved on from newbornity?

he went straight to table food.  just like lauren did.

i had spent a whole afternoon making him a bunch of baby purees and was all set with the cute little baby bowls and baby spoons and reasoned that starting at seven months wasn’t that much later than the recommended six months.  only he kept turning his nose up at my cute little bowls of pureed love.

i figured he simply wasn’t interested in food yet and was still happy with just milk.  keeping him a newborn a little longer?  who, me?  noooo, i just wasn’t going to push him into something he wasn’t developmentally ready for. 

and then one day, we were out to lunch at a curry place.  and daddy fed him bites of curry rice.  it was love and he’s never looked back.

straight to table food.  again.

and my cute little cubes of baby purees?

languishing in the freezer covered with protective ice.

but never let it be said that mommy made baby food for all the others but not the fourth baby!  i think i shall save those cubes and send them to college with him.

aaaanyway, one of the few pureed foods he will eat is applesauce.  but only because he’s seen the other kids eat it and has decided it’s a kid food and not a baby food.

especially when big brother mikey feeds it to him.

he’s his favorite.  (it applies both ways.)

mikey had been asking and asking when he could feed jonah and i kept putting him off fearing the mess that would ensue.  i needn’t have worried.

turns out the big brother is quite a pro.

ever notice how everyone who tries to feed a baby will automatically open their own mouth wide as they pop in the spoon?  it’s like sneezing with your eyes open.  it can’t be done.

best big brother in the whole wide world.  this little brother certainly thinks so.

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  • Anonymous

    Stella Lee
    mikey is so sweet.
    December 17, 2011 at 7:23am

    Brooke Fermin
    ahhhh, brothers are so cute! 🙂 Love your post Michelle and it makes me feel even better to know that a more experienced mom also doesn't give her 7 month old solid food… at least on certain days… ha! Can't believe Jonah is 9 months already. These days go by too fast! Love to all of you!
    December 17, 2011 at 7:54am

    Janet Hong
    awww… i have yet to let A feed E for that same reason: i don't wanna clean up the mess! 😉
    December 17, 2011 at 8:30am

    Judy Sunu Lee ‎9 months?? when did that happen? such a sweet brother mikey is.
    December 17, 2011 at 10:54pm

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