old blog

baby makeover.

this is my baby jonah.

i think i’ve talked about him once or twice here on this blog.

we like him a smidge around here.

yeah, he’ll do.

but it’s been brought to my attention a time or two that the boy could maybe use a trim.

i just couldn’t bring myself to do it though.

i couldn’t cut those sweet little baby hairs off his sweet little baby head.

except that those sweet little baby hairs were beginning to stab his sweet little baby eyes.  and sweeping the pesky hairs off to the side wasn’t cutting it anymore since his hair has decidedly settled down from before.  you remember

so, it was time.

are you ready for it?

are you sure?

baby makeover!  new and improved?

maybe.  though both phil and i were unexpectedly more sad than either of us thought we’d be over the loss of that soft baby hair.

it took us a few days to adjust.

but we’ve recovered nicely and love his new ‘do.  it matches daddy’s.

and big brother’s.

because it’s the only haircut this mommy knows how to do.  and it’s free.

they’re gonna have to pay me to learn a different one.  : p

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  • joyceandnorm

    Noooooooooooo!!! Not the baby hair!!!!! It took me more than 3 years to part with Melody's baby hair. Good thing she's a girl because that'd be a problem is I had a hard time parting with a baby boy's hair for that long. =p Aww, but he looks cute either way. That thumb!! Drives me crazy, but so cute. E still uses it to fall asleep. Grrr!

  • Kate Avedissian

    It's going to take me a few days too. but he sure does look cute. And having matching haircuts (btw, Ian's matches his haircut too…I use #4). Getting rid of baby hair is so traumatic for the mom's and dad's.

  • Lorie

    I love your haircuts, Michelle! They fit your boys so well! As far as Jonah…I totally hear ya on the bittersweet moment! It's like Jonah was transformed from baby to big boy in one fell swoop! WOW! He's a cutie either way, though! I hope you saved some of that baby hair. πŸ˜‰

  • David and Brooke Fermin

    Sweet, sweet baby boy! πŸ™‚ Love the matching haircuts- they are perfect! Lily could use some of that hair if you still have it… πŸ˜‰ Fermins might be do for a CA trip soon! Lily and Jonah need to meet and swap stories!

  • Anonymous

    Evangeline Chung Kwon
    loooove the pictures of him… before and after.
    December 22, 2011 at 11:41pm

    Michelle Tsai
    Aw thanks Evangeline! πŸ™‚
    December 22, 2011 at 11:52pm

    Jenny Lee
    he looks adorable with his new do! btw – we have to plan a playdate. otherwise, this break is going to pass right by.
    December 23, 2011 at 12:07am

    Minna Nah
    He is SO cute. Seriously.
    December 23, 2011 at 10:26am

    Kelly Yee
    He is ADORABLE! Love the new do, but miss the baby hair. Awww….
    December 23, 2011 at 8:05pm

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