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field trippin’ that is.  it’s one of my kids’ favorite parts about homeschooling.  that and all the playdates co-op meetings.

so last week, we had the awesome opportunity to meet up with some families from church at the cabrillo marine aquarium and best of all, to see auntie esther again!  remember auntie esther?  she’s on the list of my kids’ all-time favorite people.  top ten, definitely.  🙂

auntie esther was all ready for us with a lesson that included a story about fish babies and lots of hands-on activites…

like looking through microscopes (mikey’s favorite).

and pretending to be fish (mikey’s favorite again).

and looking for fish hiding in the seaweed (mikey’s favorite yet again).

and then a mini field trip within the field trip– a walking tour over to the salt marsh.

walking and discussing life with her favorite big-girl friends (allie’s favorite).

finding her own girl-crew to hold hands with (lauren’s favorite).

onto the docks to do some more learning about native fish and birds.

and then we got to visit the touch pool! (mikey’s favorite, yes again.  alright, so saying the whole entire trip was mikey’s favorite would be an accurate assessment.)

what can i say, the boys are all about hands-on learning.

probably safe to say the girls rather enjoyed it, too.

allie-girl was even brave enough to touch this sea star.  but with only one finger instead of the prescribed two.

this girl, however, could not be prevailed upon to touch anything with any fingers.  or thumbs.  or toes.
aw, auntie esther…  so good at what she does.  and such a lovely person inside and out.  the kids just love being near her.
see?  even learning about how sea stars see works best when auntie esther demonstrates.  🙂
a BIG HUGE THANK YOU to auntie esther and the other two teachers (i’m sorry, i didn’t catch their names!) for an awesome day at the aquarium!!
mikey declared it as his favorite aquarium ever.
so i’m thinking we’ll be back.  🙂
see?  i’m not exaggerating when i say they all love being near her.
top ten, definitely.
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  • joyceandnorm

    Maybe I can't remember what big starfish are, but those look big to me. I don't think I've been upclose with one since Outdoor Ed in 5th grade. =p I love field trips! Melody is going to the SF Symphony on Wednesday. We're doing the aquarium in May (for another mini-vacation) after her actual field trip at Gilroy Gardens. No Auntie Esther at our aquarium though.

  • Anonymous

    I'm glad your family had a great time. Our kids & Susan's kids loved that aquarium the last time we visited CA. We hope to spend more time w/ Esther the next we go there too! — Jane

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