project 52

project 52, week 1

i wrote last february about how i really wanted to try a photo-a-day project for the year but knew it would be a failure in the making with a new baby on the way as well as another upcoming move.

and that i would seriously reconsider for 2012.

and i did.

and again realized that i still have a nursing baby, am tackling homeschooling three (er, two and a half?) students, a husband who is still working mostly nights, and have yet another upcoming move sometime again this year.  ma plate’s feelin’ kinda full, folks!

and well, i don’t enjoy setting myself up for failure all that much.  i know failures will inevitably come my way, but to knowingly set myself up for one is something even i know to avoid.


as appealing as a project 366 (because it’s a leap year!) sounds to me (and it really does), i’m going to have to shelve it for another year.  and seriously reconsider again for 2013.  Lord willing.


instead of project 366, i’m going to shoot (ha ha, punny!) for project 52!  woo!

and i’m just going to shoot whatever appeals to me that week.  ok, ok, it’s mostly going to be shots of my kids.  because they appeal to me, most of the time.  and because they’re around, all of the time.  no assignments (though i really do enjoy those and always learn so much from them) and no pressure beyond posting ONE picture a week (in addition to my regular, random posts).

and i think i’m going to make them all black and white.  because i’m no good at black at white but would love to get better at it.  but maybe i’ll change my mind midway through.  maybe i won’t.  i’m gonna just leave that door open for now.

in any case, i’m excited to try it this year and who knows, maybe next year i’ll finally feel ready to take on project 365.

so here goes the first one…

my baby jonah.  
10 months old today.  

crawling machine.  drooling machine.  pooping machine.  mischief machine- has gotten into the dog food bowl to flip it over and sample some of the pellets.  twice.  knocks over anything in his path- space heaters, mikey’s lego creations, daddy’s guitar.  pulls up on everything and hangs there one-handed.  has stood alone for couple-second stretches (no!!!!!).  still trills like a baby bird.  sucks his right thumb anytime he can.  likes to chuck every single stuffed animal, toy, and blanket out of his crib.  then hollers until someone comes to pick them up again.  repeat.  repeat.  thinks banging his hand on the table is sign-langauge for “more”.  super ticklish on his belly, ribs, neck, toes.  has not yet met a food he doesn’t like.  except baby purees.  loves to suck smoothie up through a straw.  only cuddles when he’s super tired, otherwise will strong-arm you in the neck to see the rest of the world. has gotten over his stranger anxiety, but definitely has his favorite people picked out (yay that i’m still in the number one spot, daddy says he’s a close second).  has added so much laughter and delight to our family.  we couldn’t imagine life without him and are so thankful for him.  he has truly been a blessing to us.  fourth children rock!!

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