old blog

beach day, cont’d

so where was i?  oh yes, reveling in our january afternoon at the beach…

this is lauren offering me some butterfly sand cake.

this is lauren burying my toes with sand.

this is me wiggling the sand off my toes.

this is her covering her whole foot with sand.

this is her busting her foot free.

this is my forever baby with the wrinkled-up nose.

this is the rest of the family finally coming out of the water to see what we were up to.  turning lauren into ariel the mermaid quickly became a group project.

this is daddy adding the scales.

this is lauren looking pleased as punch.

this is the big sister also looking pleased as punch.

this is daddy and little daughter off to fill up her water gun.

this is her making the long trek back.

this is her stopping midway to check her water level.  (she kept doing this every few steps.  cracked me up every time).

this is her pouring it into the moat around their castle.

this is her checking the water level again (it was empty).

these are my peeps.  and man, do i love ’em.

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One Comment

  • Lorie

    Love it (and yes, slightly jealous)! Looks like you had the whole beach to yourselves too…fun! Your kids seriously have to be the most adorable ones in the whole state of California! No wonder your camera is drawn to them so much. 🙂

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