old blog


to describe this current stage of life i’m in as “busy” would be something of an understatement.  life with four little ones is tiring, ofttimes chaotic, and only occasionally overwhelming.  and try as i might to be present with each one, sometimes i worry…

am i missing too many of their moments of being this little and this carefree?

am i too busy with things, both necessary and not, to hear their thoughts and dreams?

am i making enough effort to be here in this moment?

do they know, both individually and collectively, that they along with their daddy are my heart’s joy and greatest treasure under the sun?

i really hope they do.  i really hope that my lack of patience, outbursts of anger, and sheer tiredness don’t mask what they really mean to me.  so i pray anew for forgiveness, for greater patience and an eternal perspective even in the mundane, daily tasks so that they could see past my own failings and see Christ instead.

because at the end of the day, that’s the only thing that really matters.

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  • Lorie

    I don't think you're missing a thing, Michelle. You even go WAY beyond the call of motherhood by capturing the little moments like this in pictures and in written thought. Your munchkins are blessed to have you for a mommy!!

  • michelle

    Aw thanks you guys. You sure know how to make a mom with guilt issues feel much better! And it definitely means a lot coming from such awesome moms as yourselves! 🙂

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