project 52

project 52, week 5

i’m a week behind again.  i’m sensing a recurrent theme going on around here.  but i did have a good reason this past week for falling behind.

this dude…

decided that last week was as good a time as any to go ahead and catch a bug.  daddy initially suspected an ear infection.  but the high fever followed by the telltale body rash and mommy knew it was roseola.  which meant lots of extra fever meds, extra fluids, and extra cuddles.  since he’s normally always on the go and doesn’t usually want to sit around with me anymore, the extra snuggle time was actually very sweet.

but not so sweet when combined with trying to homeschool and keeping the rest of this funny farm going though.  enough to where i was looking up our schooling options for, like, tomorrow.

but that’s another story altogether.

at least this week, he’s on the mend and thankfully it wasn’t anything more serious.

but now lauren seems a bit feverish today.  ah, it never ends.  that’s why i bookmarked those schooling options.  just in case.  😉

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