project 52

project 52, week 7

my boy was invited to his first ever sleepover party last weekend.  he was beside himself excited.  i packed the stuff he would need into a reusable state farm bag that we got for free because i couldn’t find his backpack because it was packed away somewhere in one of our gazillion boxes stored in the garage.  he didn’t mind.  i wondered if we would get a late night call from our friends telling us mikey was homesick and wanted to come home.  because uh, that may or may not have happened to me at my very first sleepover.  turns out i needn’t have worried.  he came home pretty tired the next day and told me all about the grrrreat time he had and informed me that he was having too much fun to miss me very much.  but he concluded that he still likes sleeping at home in his own bed best of all.  oh, and he confided later that he did miss me a little even though he was busy having so much fun.  🙂

my boy.  growing up too fast in my opinion.

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