old blog

adventures in mommyland

just remembered this afternoon that i needed to pick up some prescriptions from target before they got reshelved (previous experience has taught me that scripts get reshelved ten days after being filled).  this is right after i put the younger two down for naps.  so i whisked them back up just as they were falling asleep, hustled everyone into the van and drove over to target.  ended up getting one of those enormous carts with extra seats in front and super-wide turning radius so the older three could sit while jonah was strapped to me in the baby carrier.  went inside, tried to ignore the stares as we made our way to the pharmacy and waited several minutes while the two employees continued talking about something behind the back counter.  argh!!!  tempted to tell my behaving kids to start misbehaving with screaming unruliness so that one of the employees would hurry up and help me get out of there.  you know the saying about squeaky wheels?  anyway, i chose not to, finally got the prescriptions, made it back out to the car and felt a HUGE sense of accomplishment.  it’s the little things, right?  got everyone buckled in, drove back home, got everyone inside the house, when i realized i forgot my phone in the bottom of the cart back in the parking lot at target.  hustled everyone back into the car, rushed over to target (but not too fast since i am a law-abiding rule-follower.  also because i now forgot my wallet back at home), prayed the whole way there that the cart was still in the corral where i left it.  found the cart where i left it and praise God the phone was still in there.  retrieved the phone, got back in the car to the cheers of my small children.  we talked about how God is good even in these little things.  made it back home where i discovered i forgot to close the garage door on my way out.  now i need about a 27-hour nap.  the end.


now, before i had kids, the story would have gone more like:  picked up prescriptions at target, came back home.  the end.

at least you could say my life is never dull!  ha ha. 

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