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100th day

my son went to public school kindergarten last year.  and in that public school kindergarten, they did a bang-up job celebrating the heck out of each and every holiday, special occasion, and birthday.  with whole-day long parties and games and prizes and happiness.  he probably ingested more cupcakes in that one school year than in the rest of his six years of life combined.  it really did make for fun memories for him, and for that i am thankful.

one such extravaganza was thrown in honor of their 100th day of school.  i remember having to count out ten jelly beans into ten sandwich baggies and stapling them to a poster to send to school with him.  i believe they did 100 different things to celebrate the 100th day.  because that’s the kind of teacher he had back then.

so on our 99th day of school, it was inevitable that mikey would ask if we would have a 100th day party of our own.  and because i am rather proud that we actually did make it through 100 days of homeschooling and because i had a sudden burst of uncharacteristic energy, i said, “WELL, OF COURSE WE ARE!!”

ignoring the fact that i didn’t have anything prepared for an epic 100th day celebration.  so after thinking long and hard late into the night (not really, i stay up late anyway), scouring through various and sundry resources for ideas (a quick search on the ol’ internets), and planning out 100 different activities (actually, 5), i was all ready for ’em.

and so i present to you, our 100th day of homeschool celebration!  which we celebrated on february 1st.  please don’t remind me that it’s now march 1st.  thank you.

this is how mikey knew on day 99 that day 100 was coming.

they began with coloring and cutting out their own 100-day crowns.  because what’s a party without crowns?

and then i had them place exactly 100 stickers onto their crowns.

this one got tired at about sticker 37 though.

but with mommy’s help, she managed to get it done!

then the older two moved on to filling out their hundred charts.  because it’s nothin’ but fun around here.

still, he enjoyed doing it since it was an official part of our 100th day celebration.

her, too.

then they moved on to writing a story about when they are 100 years old.

mikey’s story:  When I am 100 years old, I will look like this.  I will have a cane, maybe I will live on a farm, and I will go outside a lot.  I will have a dog named Max if its a boy.

allie’s story:  When I am 100 yers I will have a cane and gray and white hair.  I will live in a city and I will knit baby hats and a sweater for me.

then they strung 100 cheerios onto string, in groups of ten separated by little straw segments.  that took ’em a while.  lauren decided she needed help after cheerio 12.

then we made snack mix baggies out of 100 (give or take, i was about done counting to 100 at this point) pretzels, raisins, and candies leftover from halloween.

i have no pictures of the above activities.  mostly because i was busy counting to 100 and putting cheerios on a string for lauren.

but we did it and ended up having ourselves a grand ol’ 100th day celebration!  done all while baby brother took his morning nap.

mikey declared it the best 100th day party ever.  waaaay funner than last year’s.  and with that, i felt a pleasing sense of vindication.

and look who woke up just in time to help eat the cheerio necklaces!

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  • Joyce

    shoot, i forgot the crowns! maybe we'll do that for the last day of school. =p we actually ended up doing our activity after the 100th day because the 100th day was melody's birthday. hehe

  • MillerMilieu

    Great Job. I keep saying one of these days i will do this…and 3 years have passed without a celebration. I lose track. I think i need your organizational skills. I am seriously lacking in this and somehow managing to home school! YIKES>

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