old blog

field trip!

yep, another one!  this one was back at the end of january.  i’m glad we made the most of those random days phil had off while moonlighting since they’re long gone now.  🙁

anyway, this trip was to the california science center.  can’t beat free fun!

playing around in the fog machine.  (ps- she dressed herself that day.  just to clarify.)

it’s blurry (kicking myself) but i still love it.

he loved this thing.


actually, she did too.

daddy convinced them all to go in the wind machine.  78.7 mph winds.  while i stood outside with jonah and laughed at them.  best two bucks we spent!

actually four bucks since they wanted to go in it again!

little dude even got to break out of the carrier and play in the baby area for a bit.

the tsais in infrared!

fun stuff.  on the way home, daddy asked the kids what they learned.  mikey answered, “uh, science-y stuff?”  good enough with me!  ha.

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