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going to the snow, 2012 edition

two years ago, i wrote about going to the snow with my brother’s family.  it was great fun.  we couldn’t go last year because someone (read: jonah) was ready to pop out any minute.  and this year, try as we might, we couldn’t find a good weekend that would work for both families.  we figured we wouldn’t be able to go at all again this year.

but, because mikey kept asking when we’d get to see snow again (that kid has the memory of an elephant.  actually, the selective memory of an elephant) and because phil had a random few days off mid-week and because we were already planning to spend the weekend at disneyland, we figured we’d tack on a quick trip up to big bear since we’d be packed and loaded up anyway.

except that snow gear is very, very different from disneyland hotel gear.  minor details, phil says.

so we went for it.  two nights in a cozy little cabin up in the mountains with big plans to play in the snow and watch movies and play games and eat popcorn and s’mores and steak and hot chocolate and the whole bit.

and happily, we got to do it all.

except for the snow part.

we drove up there and much to the kids’ disappointment, didn’t see snow anywhere!

but!  there just so happened to be a small hill right behind the cabin we were staying in that had just the right amount of snow for three small kids to revel in for two days.

so we got all bundled up in coats and hats and mittens and two pairs of pants and socks and shoes (which again reminded me why i’m eternally thankful that we no longer live where it snows) and headed out for a real live snow day.

though there is something downright irresistible about two little sisters bundled up all in pink and topped with matching monkey hats.

there was a perfect-sized little hill for sledding (no races this year though).

but still just as much fun as we remembered.

our little thrill-seeker even wanted to go by herself.  daddy had her lie down though since she’d go pretty fast without some (ahem) adult weight to slow the sled down.

but a certain little someone tired of sledding before the others did and contented herself with this one perfectly sized snowball.

it fit right in her little hands.  never minding that her fingers were totally freezing in those thin pink mittens.

she gave it hugs.

she even sampled it.

she wanted to bring it home with her.  until daddy convinced her to put it down and help him make some more.

because, my friends, it was time for an epic tsai family snowball fight.  intense snowball-making preparations beforehand were required.

so she sacrificed her perfect little snowball.

and nailed her big brother with it.

then it was on like donkey kong.

she got her brother a few times.  he was a good sport about it.

and he did get her back a few times, too.

you can guess who their favorite target was, though.

she found herself the perfect little hiding spot.

and when she was too wet and cold and tired, we trudged back to the cabin while the others stayed behind to make a snowman.

and when they finally came in wet and cold and tired, i was ready for ’em.

they loved this.  me too.

so after a long day playing in the snow, it was awfully nice and cozy by the fireplace in the evening.

and in case you were wondering…  here he is!  we didn’t have much in the way of snow gear for him, so inside he stayed for most of our time there.  he was happiest staying near the food, anyway.

daddy with the monkeys.

mommy with the monkeys.

good times for sure.  he wasn’t ready for it to end so soon.

and we’re definitely hoping to make it back next year with the whole family!

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