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disney, part two

so the second half of our disney day started with…

princesses!  both girls brought along a dress to wear.  lauren chose this ratty old tinkerbell number complete with a rip in the shoulder.

allie couldn’t help but admiringly touch tiana’s lovely dress.

lauren couldn’t help it either, but she uses the back of her hand to feel things.
i asked lauren if she wanted to go together with allie or after her to meet the princesses by herself.  she chose to go after so she could have her own conversations with them.
jasmine was next.
she did a wonderful job admiring lauren’s ratty old tinkerbell dress that was two sizes too big for her.
lauren loved her for it.
we all did.
and last was ariel!
ah to be a little girl meeting your favorite princess.
lauren was starstruck.
i think she loved it.
and i’m glad she’s not too grown up to still love it too.
and who did we see just as we came out?
and then at night, we caught the world of color show where we saw…
put simply…
and finished with a blast of fire!
jonah took the opportunity to warm up his hand.
a day full of magic and wonder.  and that’s why we love experiencing disneyland with our little people.  šŸ™‚
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  • Kate Avedissian

    that was awesome….we missed out on the world of color show since our little people were too pooped to party…okay so were the big people, for that reason I don't like going in summer when everyone else is there. Great princess shots.

  • michelle

    Joyce- there's a line for this, but it was super short the day we went (jan-mar is usually the least crowded time of the year). The princesses each stay in their own little section of a pretend castle and meet each girl or family one by one. They definitely do a great job making each visitor feel special! I think your girls will love it!

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