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queen for a day

so birthday season is in full swing around here and it’s party year for the kids (we do parties every other year. mainly for the express purpose of keeping this mother sane and functional for the rest of the time).  so the day right after jonah’s party came allie’s party.

it was an intense birthday party weekend for us.  i am still recovering.

and because my daughter is in some ways very, very different from me, and because i love to celebrate those differences that make her so special, i chose a party for her that i knew she would love.  with every fiber of her being.  and that i knew would make me just a tad uncomfortable.  because it’s so not me.

but it’s so her.

and i love when she gets to do something she just loves.  because she gets a certain spark in her eyes and a big huge smile on her face that means she knows her mama knows her.  loves her.  thinks she’s pretty darn special.  and i want her to know that feeling for the rest of her life.

and so, she got to celebrate turning six with her best little girl friends…

with a pink princess tea party!

upon arrival, each little girl got to wear a gown of her choosing.

and shoes to match.

then they got their hair done, princess style.

and nails painted, too.  (along with a bit of makeup.  gasp!)

with that, our little queen for the day was all ready.

she’s a bit of a natural.  πŸ˜‰

everyone getting all fancied up.

admiring their grown-up selves.

little sister chose blue eyeshadow and blue nail polish.  good heavens.

looking pleased as punch with herself, wouldn’t you say?

little friend p slayed me with the shoe modeling.  goodness gracious.

the birthday girl asked her daddy to dress up too.  always happy to oblige…

check out her fancy pinky stickin’ out.  where in the world did she learn that?!

then came the fashion show!

and finally time for tea.  each guest got her own mini teapot and teacup.

i believe she was pleased with her lunch selections.

a little silver bell to ring for service.  thankfully, she only rang it once.  (i’m sure glad she wasn’t too comfortable with that idea!)

my little girl’s dream birthday party.

practicing pouring her tea like a little lady.

and discussing the finer points of sticking one’s pinky finger out while drinking tea.

and trying to practice said maneuver.

ok, so this might not exactly be my cup of tea (nyuk nyuk), but even i was loving all the little details of this party.

all the pretty little girly things to look at.

and the irresistibility of little miniature things.

there.  that’s the look that makes it all worth it in my book.

then it was time to sing happy birthday to the brand new six year old!

the dessert plate for each guest filled with favorite things to eat.  and though all the other guests saved most of their goodies to eat later, the little sister managed to tuck away every last bit of her sweet treats.

and she clearly loved doing it.

blowing kisses.

crazy face!

being the awesomely sweet girls they really are.

ah, my allie.  another year has slipped by before i was ready for it to go.

i loved that you thoroughly enjoyed being queen for a day.

but i love even more that you returned back to your lovely and sweet-hearted little girl self right afterward. 

happiest of birthdays to you, allie-girl.  i am so very thankful for you, sweet daughter o’ mine.

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