old blog

a walk

last weekend, we found ourselves with a rare day with all of us home with no place in particular to be and no thing in particular to do.  so when phil asked what i wanted to do with the day, my answer was simple.

a walk.

maybe it’s because i’ve lately been going through some old pictures when mikey and allie were teeny tiny.

and i noticed that we used to do a whole lot more “nature-al” type stuff back in our minnesota days.

or maybe i’ve been feeling a bit too cooped up these days.

and thought a bit of fresh, open air would do us all good.

whatever the reason the idea the popped into my head…

i’m very glad it did.

even though there were complaints of tiredness, hunger, thirst, headaches, and overheating from the peanut gallery.  and even though this one spent most of her time in the stroller and actually only walked for all of two minutes…

and promptly hightailed it back to her waiting carriage…

it was still a nice way to spend a rare day off.  even if i was the only one who thought so.  :p

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