project 52

project 52, week 16

so a couple weeks ago, the hubs and i had not one, but TWO dates in one week!  who am i?  a very good friend graciously insisted on babysitting twice for us so that we could go out- once to celebrate both our birthdays (happy birthday, honey!) and again a couple days later as a bonus.  unfortunately, we got rained out of phil’s original date plans.  but a nice little coffee date at the mall served as a more than satisfactory stand-in.  we also got to use the time to see a couple houses with our realtor.  one of which we are currently in escrow on.  so there’s that.  apparently i was all smiles… enough for the starbucks barista to notice.  and apparently i was the only one to be giddy over two dates in one week cuz there weren’t no smiley face on philster’s cup.

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