old blog


we were invited to celebrate easter at the home of our friends for the third year in a row.  it’s really, really nice to be in one place long enough to begin having yearly traditions.  let me tell ya, i sure could get used to this settling down notion.

we are in the midst of escrow drama and praying all goes well and ends well.  and when all is said and done and we are hopefully in our new-to-us home, i will then have the full story to share here.  so please pray for us to trust in the Lord as we walk through this month.

in the meantime, i had high hopes of getting easter pics of the kiddos to share.  we love easter around here because it means we get to celebrate our risen savior and remember again all that Jesus is for us.  it is a sweet, sweet remembrance.  and because we are joyful and celebratory, i try a little harder to pull it together and make this family look just a tad less disheveled.

which then becomes a perfect opportunity for updated kid pictures.

unless, of course, you’re me.  in which case, you don’t notice that somewhere in the previous couple days a little switch on the front side of your camera somehow got switched and you don’t realize it because it’s a switch you never switch and you convince yourself that the focusing system in your camera is broken and you get very, very sad thinking about it.

and this is the best shot you get the whole day with what you now believe is your broken camera.  but you look on the bright side and are happy that you at least got one shot of your newly standing baby.  and then you return to being very, very sad about your camera which is now broken.

until your husband tells you you can go ahead and get a new camera.  and then it’s amazing how quickly you perk right up.

and then you get home and upon further examination, you discover that switch you never switch and switch it back.

and all is well with your camera again.  and you breathe a happy sigh of relief because as much as you’d love a new camera, your trusty old camera has served you well and you realize you’re not quite ready to move on just yet.

this all happens, of course, if you’re me.


so no pictures of the other spiffed up tsai kids this year.

so instead, i have pictures of the usual disheveled tsai kids to share.  because a few days later, we finally got around to dying eggs.  because they kept asking and asking.  so here they are a little less pulled together and a little less spiffed up.

they’re more recognizable that way, right?

he went ahead and ate all six of his eggs that same day.  he loves hard boiled eggs.  and sunny side up eggs.  and everyone else’s leftover scrambled eggs.

a few days later, i came down and discovered my girl’s drawing.  spiffy or not, disheveled or not, eggs or not, i love that she got the main point of why we love easter after all.

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One Comment

  • Joyce

    They look wonderful. Emily LOVES eggs! I was going to do a breakfast for dinner at our house, but the past few weeks have been insane, and I don't need to get more insane, so we're going out. We are going to IHOP for her birthday. :p

    Hope that everything goes smoothly with the house. It can be tricky with the timing of everything sometimes. Will keep you in my prayers. Hope things are going well with homeschooling too.

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