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the belt test

mikey’s started tae kwon do a few months ago.  he loves it.  good thing, because phil signed him up and paid for a year’s worth of classes because they offered the lowest rate that way.  anyway, three weeks ago was his very first belt test.

sooo excited to test for his yellow belt!

he asked me to take a punching shot with him looking fierce.  here it is.

he didn’t say it, but i could tell he was a little nervous, too.

and then it was belt test time.

getting ready to do some kicking.

that right there is a pretty high kick.

excuse me, i was momentarily distracted by this face.

where was i?  oh yes, high kicks.  my boy has some mean high kicks.

and on to punching.

and falling back.

action shot.

more high kicks.

and then…

he got his yellow belt!

just checking to make sure all was in order.  and probably right then was when he noticed they wrote “mike” instead of “mikey”.

no matter though, that yellow belt was his!

job well done, little guy.  so proud of you!

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  • joyceandnorm

    I love that we both posted about tae kwon do this week. Makes me sort of miss the classes I took in college. :p He does totally look like he's so proud of himself. That's awesome!

  • James

    Love Mikey's enthusiasm about everything. It's so refreshing to come over and see him all excited and wanting to share everything. Miss y'all already!

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