old blog

mother’s day, father’s day

hello, hello!  i’m still alive!  we moved in to our new home (YIPPEEEE!!!) a little over a week ago and it’s been hectic and crazy and chaotic and wonderful all at the same time.  more on that later.  but first, i gotta catch up and stodgily go in order.  starting with… mother’s day!  it wasn’t that long ago, was it?

phil surprised us with dinner at the melting pot for mother’s day.  it’s one of the kids’ (and my) favorite places to eat. 

spearing delicious morsels and then dipping them into lovely cheese sauces like this “loaded baked potato”… what’s not to love?

me and my girls.

me and my boys.

and then there was this action here.  this was moments before jonah decided to turn around and drop daddy’s iphone into the tiny space between the booth and the wall.  did i mention that the booth was nailed into the wall?  or that i had to spend most of the evening (in between the server’s visits to our table) crouched down in the booth using a spear to try and coax the phone within grabbing distance?  or that there were plywood bars between my hand and the iphone and it was only through sheer determination and a scraped-up hand that i was finally able to retrieve that now dust-covered iphone?

hmm, i seem to sustain some type of injury each time i visit this restaurant.  maybe i need to pick a new favorite restaurant.  one that’s less dangerous to my physical self.

ah, but the cheese sauce… pretty much makes up for the injuries i’ve suffered trying to get to it.

and the chocolate sauce at the end ain’t half bad either.

so while celebrating mother’s day feels like it just happened, apparently a whole month has actually flown by.  so here’s one from this past sunday.  cuz it was father’s day and all.

and a hard workin’ daddy like theirs sure deserves a nice dinner out and lots of hugs from his little monkeys, too.  it’s hard work being their hero, but he does it with a smile and that’s why they love him.

and that’s why i do too.  🙂

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  • joyceandnorm

    glad the phone was retrieved!

    i am the same way about staying in order with the blog posts, but with the past few wks of activities, if i do that, i might never blog again! should get going on that now….

    enjoy your summer!

  • Kate Avedissian

    oh my, glad you got the phone back…time to put a leash on that thing. that food looks amazing, we have one of those near us, but have yet to venture in, I have this odd fear of the kids spilling hot liquid on me.

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