old blog

girly girls

a couple weeks before we moved, our good friends james and jami came to hang out with us.  they are among our kids’ favorite people.  you’ll see why in a sec.

even jonah, who is sometimes randomly particular about who he likes and who he doesn’t, took right to uncle james like a fish to water.  he kept wanting uncle james to hold him and thankfully, james was a good sport with this selectively high maintenance baby of ours.  (mikey was also standing in this picture, but unfortunately didn’t make it in since i was already pressed against the wall to fit these three in.  he didn’t make the cut.  ha ha.)

so while the boys went out to pick up dinner, my girly girls put auntie jami right to work.

first they asked her to braid their hair.  auntie jami can do such cute things with their hair.  they know this.  they also know their mommy cannot do such cute things with their hair.  which is why a visit from auntie jami is a special treat, indeed.

then they asked her to paint their nails.  not just one color, but five.  one for each fingernail.

auntie jami is also a good sport and not only used all five different colors, but put two coats on each nail.  she says she enjoys doing stuff like this.  who knew?  and see that little sister there in the corner?  she cracks me up.

because while she was patiently waiting for her turn, she narrowed down her nail color choices to just ten.

waiting patiently for one’s turn seems to come with the territory of being a little sister.  and i must say she does it well and it is something her daddy and i really appreciate about her.

finally the big sister was done.  and was rather pleased with the results, i’d say. 😉

then came the little sister’s turn.

and the little sister was happy.  because auntie jami actually did use all ten colors on her nails.  two coats on each nail.

auntie jami and uncle james?  they’re good apples.  especially with our under 4-foot crowd.  can’t wait to see you guys again soon!! (because um, the girls are wanting their nails painted again! heh heh…)

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