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semblance of summer

i am still unpacking.  i may be unpacking into eternity. oh woe.

but in between the seemingly unending days of unpacking and settling in, we are trying to squeeze in a few days of summer fun.

remember when phil declared our family diehard angels fans?  well, we’re looong overdue for our annual trip to root for our team.  as in, we seem to have missed the entire 2011 season.  aw well, no matter, the time is NOW for us to jump right back on that bandwagon.  (by the way, anyone know how our favored team is doing?  hard to gauge from the one game we attended. which was a win though- woo hoo!)

ahem.  anyhow, on to the pictures!

a nice stranger behind us offered to take a picture for us.  i love when nice strangers offer to do that because it’s the only time i actually get to be IN the family pictures.

the youngest tsai really enjoyed his first game.  (btw, that is the exact same shirt lauren wore the last time we were here.)

daddy buying him his very own hot dog definitely made this the best outing ever in his book.

homerun fireworks!

still cause my children to plug their ears while everyone else is clapping and cheering.

some things never change…

but all noise complaints were silenced once the ice cream sundaes in plastic angels caps were placed in their hands.

and when all’s said and done, there’s nothing like being at the ball game on a warm summer night.

so i’m very thankful my little guys get to grow up with these kinds of memories.  even if we only manage to do it every other year.

go, angels!  😉

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  • janet

    what a fun outing! i love that solo shot of jonah looking out to the field. my kids also hate loud noises so i actually carry around ear plus w/ me to places like disneyland.

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