old blog


i am still unpacking.  i may be unpacking into eternity.  usually i am done unpacking three weeks out but this time around, the combination of four little guys who constantly need to do things like eat and the fact that i am actually unpacking every single one of our 100+ boxes and well, i am still unpacking.

on the one hand, it feels really, really awesome to be officially settling in to our very own home and going through each box deciding what to keep and what to give away.  and to actually be getting rid of these boxes that have seen us through our last three moves.  did you know that moving actually gets easier when the boxes are already labeled, so all you have to do is throw the same stuff into them that you just emptied out a year previously?  it’s also easier to unpack when you really only have to do about half the boxes because the rest hang out in the garage awaiting the next move.  but actually letting go of these boxes is something of a psychological roadblock for me.  i simply can’t imagine not needing them in my life.

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