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disney, revisited

back in march, we got to spend a weekend at disneyland, thanks to the conference phil attended for work.  at the time, the hotel offered a special deal for us to visit the park again sometime by the end of june.  a hundred bucks for the whole family to come again.  it was a good deal and we figured we had tons of time to use it.  three whole months!  who wouldn’t have time for disneyland?!

but we failed to factor in the whole packing/moving thing we’re so fond of doing this time of year.

and the whole daddy works eighty to ninety hours a week thing.

and the whole four kids and just keeping them fed and alive thing.

and so the disneyland passes kinda slid to the back burner of life until i woke up and remembered it in the middle of the night one night.  and woke phil up to ask if they had expired or not.  he said he’d check in the morning.

turned out we had a whole four days left to make good on ’em.  so we picked the day that worked best and off we went.  which coincidentally was three days before our move date.

we tsais like to live on the edge.

of sanity.

anyhoo, like i said, who doesn’t have time for disneyland?!

the girls decided it was a pink frilly skirt kind of day.  (it’s a pink frilly skirt kind of day everyday around here so really, not a big shocker there).

this guy gets away with a whole lot.  a whole lot.

i think it has something to do with his face.

it’s very distracting.

the lines were longer than usual for their favorite kiddie rides so we had lots of time for silly pictures.

this is when i told him there was a giant worm right behind him.
man, i love this kid.
finally we made it on to the ride!  mikey and i even got to be in the very front.
making the rounds to the kids’ favorite rides.
daddy decided this was the year to start the kids on pin collecting.  this one in particular was all on board with that idea.
ahh, the “sit down and rest ride”.  with food.  mommy’s favorite.
another version of the “sit down and rest ride”.  i woulda climbed in there and joined them if i coulda.
it is a new day folks- the little sister is now big enough to be in the driver’s seat.
the view was blocked by too many people during the princess parade so their daddy did what he had to do so they could see.  what a good daddy.  also, he likes to make exaggerated faces to make me laugh.  added bonus.
another sign of a new day- 3 of the 4 tsai kids are now big enough to ride without needing a parent right beside them.  er, make that 2.5.  lauren scrambled over the seat midway through the ride to sit next to us.  but don’t let the disney police know that.  no telling what would happen to us then.  wouldn’t want to end up in some mickey mouse prison or anything.
little guy was fascinated.
and the last ride of the day!
feeling all lit up inside.  love how this place never gets old no matter how many times we come to visit.
and nope, they couldn’t get that sword out of the stone.
second strength!  still nope.  maybe next year, kids!
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