old blog


this is the post i have been waiting a very, very long time to write.

we bought a house, survived the escrow drama, signed our lives away, got the keys, and moving day was finally here!

this is the day i have been waiting for since i was seven.  that was the last time i lived in an actual, honest-to-goodness home.  not bouncing around every year or two.  not in an apartment, not a motel, not a shelter, not student housing, not a temporary rental unit, all of which i have lived in one time or another, but a home.  our own home.

and while it is but a pale shadow compared to the heavenly home that awaits us, i can’t seem to come up with the words that go deep enough to express my gratitude for this earthly home God has provided for our family.  or my gratitude to phil for how hard he’s worked to make this happen for us.

it’s still sinking in.

so while words are failing me, here are some breathtakingly unawesome camera phone pictures from moving day and the first few days in our new place.

we’ve used these movers for our last three moves and let me tell ya, soooo much easier than trying to do it ourselves.  probably is also the reason why we still have friends.

it was all very surreal.  even more so because my dad had taken the kids to his place so it was just phil and i the first few days.  the first night we were there, phil asked me if it felt like our house yet.  i quickly responded, “no, it feels like we’re just crashing at carl’s house.”

funny little side story– the former owner of this house lived here for over fifty years with his wife.  his name is carl.  his wife passed away two years ago.  her name was eileen.  carl and eileen…  carl and ellie… we live in the UP house!!

the kids soon rejoined us and the house instantly filled up with life and laughter and quickly began to feel like home.  despite the decidedly southwestern feel of the house which i would like to change sooner than later.  see that grand canyon stained glass window up there?  yeah, not exactly something i would have chosen.

enjoying our first meal in our new home.  peach pork chops, corn on the cob with garlic butter, and caprese salad.  on a table built to have guests join us.  so who’s coming over?  πŸ™‚  (heh heh, i’ll make sure phil is not quite so casual in his attire.)

while the kids were away, we had their rooms painted and i hastily put up a few decorations so that we could surprise them with a very pink room for the girls.

and a blue room for the boys.  both rooms are works in progress, as is pretty much the rest of the house.  but now we can take our sweet time working on it to make it our very own.

because we’re home now.

and always ready for friends to come visit!  just ask mikey, he’ll hook you up.  πŸ™‚

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  • Anonymous

    I know what you mean..but our home feeling won't be until hubby retires from military which is another 11 years…love the house!!! So cozy and spacious! Btw didn't you have your own before ?or did you rent? And is this is where your hubby will reside with his job? We ate moving again next year to Korea..not looking forward to the actual move but I do love the new adventure…my motto passed from other military wives is that home is where your family is..as long as their happy and healthily that all matters…also take it as a blessing that your kids are still young to endure the many changes..what a perfect timing it is now your oldest is getting older and stability is important..your living like military folks but then again think of all the memories you made…Phil is blessed to have a good and patient and supportive wife…enjoy the new home!!! From agatha

  • James

    Ah, we can't wait to come over! Gotta check out Phil's man-cave! oooh-ooh!!!

    congrats on the home guys. i know it's been a long time coming. πŸ™‚

  • Janet H.

    congratulations! your home looks so nice from the outside. love the boys' bunk bed and how you painted their rooms pink and blue.

  • Lorie

    LOVE this! So HAPPY! Funny…I didn't even notice the lovely glass art on the top window. I just thought it was reflecting the clouds. Is that a stained glass door window in the table picture too? btw – love the new, larger table. We're in desperate need of one of those too! πŸ™‚

  • michelle

    in a few of my parents' separations. they had a knack for bringing out the worst in each other and there were a few times my mom would leave with us kids in the middle of the night after they had a terrible fight and we'd end up in a women's shelter for a few nights before she got us into other living arrangements.

  • michelle

    ha ha, we are very traditional that way. actually, we let the kids pick out their paint colors before they left and those are the colors they chose. the pink is VERY pink. :p

  • michelle

    lorie- yes! the house has stained glass windows in multiple places! one is even of a green cactus that looks like it's glowing when the sun hits it in the afternoons. awesome.

  • Jan

    Congrats! All these years has probably made you trust in God for your ultimate home but I'm glad you can put down some roots for your family! Would love to visit when we're back over Xmas.

  • joyceandnorm

    Don't think my comment went through…

    Just wanted to say how happy I am for you guys!! Yay! We're coming over for dinner! You're already ahead of me in the game on getting the rooms looking good, and we've been here for 4.5 years.

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