project 52

project 52, week 17

my poor, long-neglected photo project!  i haven’t given up on it though and so will pick it up where i left off.  rewind a bit with me, if you will…

we celebrated daddy’s 37th birthday with homemade brownie sundaes.  jonah thought that was pretty awesome.  he ended up eating daddy’s whole dessert!  that’s the thing about daddy though, he never hesitates to give the kiddos anything he’s eating and doesn’t mind if they end up eating the whole thing.  that doesn’t quite apply to daddy’s stash of toys though (and i mean literal toys.  he has been known to buy some little figures for the kids and then gets one for himself!  he likes to stash them away still intact in their packaging.  “mint condition” he calls it).  the kids know to ask permission to touch them and often the answer then is no!  their daddy…  still such a kid at heart himself.  drives me crazy sometimes.  but something we all love about him, too.

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