project 52

project 52, week 18

and then a blink and a wink later, it was this boy’s 8th birthday.  birthday season comes fast and furious in our house with five of our six birthdays in seven weeks of each other.  it’s a whirlwind and i have to mentally gear up for it every year.  it’s also one of the reasons why i decided to do parties for each of the kids every other year.  if that.  :p

but birthdays are the perfect time to express my thankfulness for each of our children, to reflect on who they are and what they’re currently in to, and to marvel at how God created each one to be so wonderfully unique and yet fit so perfectly into our family.

it’s been simply fascinating watching them grow and develop into the people God made them to be.  what a privilege.

and so my boy turned 8 this year.  his golden birthday.  which i had never heard of until we lived in minnesota.  how can time have flown so fast?  on the one hand, i look at him and still see the tiny peanut of a baby clutching his favorite bear (which we’ve always just called “bear”) and sucking on the two middle fingers of his left hand.  on the other hand, i look again and see this rapidly growing boy, full of life and laughter and silliness and questions and the need to tell me every single thing on his mind.  i see him and can see glimpses of the man he’s growing up to become and am just so very proud of him.

he’s just such a likeable kid.  and eight years later, i am still amazed that i get to be his mom.

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