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a day in the life…

of jonah tsai!

hey!  wanna see what i’ve been up to while mommy’s been busy unpacking?

first, i like to start off my day with stolen sips from my sister’s smoothie cup.

good thing she doesn’t mind sharing with me.  i even let her kiss my cheek because it buys me more time with her smoothie cup.

and when she wants her smoothie cup back?  well, no matter because then my big brother swoops in and hands me his smoothie cup.  i love having lots of siblings!

i find this round window very fascinating.  i could watch it go round and round all day long…

hmm, what else?  oh yes, i love to push buttons.  mommy says literally and figuratively.  but i don’t know what that means.  anyhow, there’s this one button under the kitchen counter that is placed at just my level.  whoever did that was so thoughtful!  it makes a loud BEEP! when i push it.  even though mommy says, “jonah, no touch,” when i go under there, i. can’t. resist.

uh oh, busted!

hmm, i better lay low for a little bit until she forgets that i’m in trouble.  sitting in daddy’s big chair always makes her laugh (especially when i use my whole body to try and make it rock) and makes her forget that much faster.

ok good, i think i’m in the clear.  now what’s this my big brother left on the ground?  his toys are so fascinating.

aw, but she never seems to forget when it’s naptime.  that’s ok though, i’ve got my blankie and could use a little shut-eye.  keeping these big people on their toes sure is tiring.  see ya in a couple!  hours, that is.

ok, back in action!  what’s this mommy’s set up now?  mommy and daddy keep laughing.  something about me and the whale.  parents.  who can figure them out?  besides, i think this is a shark, not a whale.  sheesh.

did i mention i love having lots of siblings?  yeah, it’s good cuz it’s never boring around here.

thanks for hanging out with me today!

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