project 52

project 52, week 19

mikey has asked me many, many times to take a picture of him with his lego creations so that we can send it in to the lego magazine people so that they can put it in their next issue.  i don’t think he realizes how many submissions get sent in or how most are never printed or how many of the creations that are printed are likely built by adults and i just don’t have the heart to disappoint him like that.  so, most of the time i just do what every good parent does (ahem) and evade his requests.  but i realized recently that he hasn’t been asking me to take pictures of him with his lego creations anymore.  this last one i took of him was over two months ago.  and seeing this picture now makes me a little sad.  have i put him off one too many times?  has he gotten the feeling that he’s bothering me with his requests?  am i sending him the message that what’s important to him is not important to me?


so i think i shall remedy this tomorrow (he’s in bed as i type this so i can’t do it right now).  i’ll ask him to build a creation so that i can take a picture of him with it.  and then we WILL send it in to the lego people, for better or worse.  it matters to him, therefore it matters to me.

and isn’t that what’s most important at the end of the day?  i think so.

ps- the creation above is his version of the eiffel tower with the bustling city streets way below it.  note: not built to scale. 😉

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One Comment

  • joyceandnorm

    We just got the 1st issue of our free subscription to Lego Jr. Is that the one? I'll be on the lookout for Mikey. 🙂 Melody's drawing got into Clubhouse Jr., and on her birthday month too, so it's possible!

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