old blog


so we celebrated anniversary number 11 last month.  in the last few years, the month of july has ended up being a crazy busy month for us with phil finishing one program or another, moving, lauren’s birthday, and our anniversary all thrown in there.

but even so, we’ve always tried to mark the date in one way or another, and God has always provided time for us to spend with each other and to look back over the years of all we have to be thankful for.

and i’m happy to report that this anniversary finds us in a very good place.  the Lord has blessed us beyond what we deserve and has been so faithful to us through the years.  for that, i am so so thankful.

this year’s anniversary was way simpler than last year’s, but still very enjoyable nonetheless.

we had a little time before dinner to take a few pictures of just the two of us.

the hubs.


we always end up cracking up while taking pictures of ourselves, but i’m glad we got a couple of semi-normal ones.  ;P

heh heh, was trying to make phil laugh but i liked his expression in this one, so here it is.

and then it was time to go eat fancy food while it was still hot.  that’s always something to get really happy about.

we opted to sit outside and enjoy the view.  it was lovely.  until it got dark.  then it was freezing and we began to question a lot of the choices we’ve made thus far in our life together.  just kidding.  we mainly questioned why we chose to sit outside in the freezing dark.

but still an enjoyable evening all the same.  but mostly while it was still light out.

happy anniversary, honey and here’s to many, many more!

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