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her ‘punzel party, part 2

so yes, our surprise guest was none other than rapunzel herself!

she came with a basket full of fun things.

like feather boas and capes for everyone to dress up in.

though this little brother didn’t know what all the fuss was about.  especially when there were macaroons still left to be eaten.

i think she was just a teeny, tiny bit excited that ‘punzel was really here.

and then it was dance party time!

followed by freeze dance party time with pascal.

lauren was frozen solid.  mostly because i think she was kinda freaked out by the pascal puppet.

she cracked a tiny smile at the end.  mostly because i think she was ready to bolt.

then came story time.

which included songs from the movie.

the girls were riveted.

i think we all were.

even the big brother was drawn in.

it was a lovely afternoon.

rapunzel even brought party favors for everyone.  except they went missing and she needed a little help finding them.

and poof! they reappeared with the help of a little magic.

they. loved. her.

and she still wasn’t done because face painting came next.


the girls were enthralled that they actually met the “real Rapunzel!

the little sister wasn’t exactly thrilled to share her ‘punzel with her big sister.  hee hee.

that’s more like it, she thinks to herself.

 and a special present just for the birthday girl!

group pic!

then it was cake time.  i had the darnedest time trying to find a rapunzel cake and so settled for cupcakes instead.  her daddy thought that wouldn’t do so he went and bought her a princess cake too.  even though it didn’t have rapunzel on there.

so i threw on a mini banner and problem solved.  😉

“happy biiiiirthday, dear laaaauren…”

blowing out her #4 candle, with a few helper blowers.

gotta love the hands-free direct approach.

mikey took this one of us with the birthday girl.  and allie.  😉

happy fourth birthday, my baby girl!  it has been such a joy to be your mommy.  God gave us a truly wonderful gift when He gave us you.  you bring so much love and laughter to our family and we love you so, so much!

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  • Janet

    soooo fun! happy fourth birthday to your lil princess. what a special party! i'm planning on throwing a princess party for my lil girl on her 5th bday and may need to hire that repunzel. she's so talented!

  • Lorie

    A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. party, Michelle! Wow! Beautiful, fun, and pretty much perfect. I would've gone sleepless for weeks planning a party like that. Lauren (and the rest of the Tsai kiddos) have a very special mommy indeed!

  • Esther

    what a cool and special birthday party for lauren!!

    i love how you could see mikey being totally drawn into the festivities through the progression of the pictures, hehe! no one could resist Rapunzel's charms, huh?

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