old blog

the fair

because it’s just not summer without our yearly trip to the fair.  this time it was mikey who saw the commercial for it on tv and kept reminding us that 1) the fair was here! and 2) when could we go?

first order of business: mini corn dogs.

little dude was not going to miss out on the eating fun this year.

he polished it off not even two minutes later.

’twas okay though because daddy made sure the food choices kept rolling in the whole day.

beverage choices too.  it was rather hot that day…

we finally let him out and let him walk around on his own in an uncrowded spot.

there was no turning back after that.  he was a free man!

so while i was off chasing little dude and trying to keep him from getting lost in the crowd, the olders were intently making beeswax candles.

mikey proudly informed me that we’ll be okay now in case we have a blackout at the house.  always good to be prepared.  πŸ˜‰

meanwhile, someone was happily sampling a mango honey stick.

we also caught part of a chinese circus show.  i would think this would surely put a crick in your neck.  ouch!!

and of course, it wouldn’t be a trip to the fair without our annual trip to the balloon popping booth.

there was no “30 ticket special” this year at the balloon booth, so daddy bought a whole bunch of tickets and asked the booth people if we could get three stuffed animals in exchange for all of the tickets.  they said yes.

i have no idea why he does this every year. 

no idea at all.

the kids were getting tired so we decided to call it a day.  but not without getting some chocolate covered bacon for the ride home!

thanks for the memories, oc fair!
and maybe someday we’ll actually ride some of these rides.
or maybe not.
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