old blog

her first day

so after all my angst about letting my baby go…

tuesday was her first day of first grade.  she was excited and ready to begin her new adventure.  not nervous at all.  i, on the other hand, was nervous enough for the both of us!

we brought a “happy first day of school/survival kit” gift for her teacher which included reward stickers, stress-relieving lotion, advil, chocolates, tide stain remover, antibacterial hand sanitizer, mints, lip balm, and of course, coffee.  πŸ™‚

no pictures of her actually at school though.  it was pandemonium there on the first day of school and i actually decided not to take my camera with me so that i could really focus on being in the moment while there with allie.  oh, and also keep the other three kids from getting lost in the shuffle.  that was important, too.

and since it was her first day of school, i decided it would be his first day, too.  he didn’t have even a moment’s indecision about wanting to go to school after seeing all the other kids with their shiny new backpacks all gathered together with all the excitement in the air.  didn’t even bat an eye when we left allie in her new classroom and instead turned to me and asked, “are we ready to head back home now?  and can i have my second bowl of cereal after we get inside?” 

i’m doing the heart of dakota curriculum with mikey this year and so far, he loves it.  and so do i!  we both look forward to spending that time together and it’s been a really great fit for the both of us.  lauren has also been sitting in with us and i’ve even managed to have enough time to do the hod preschool curriculum with her while mikey does his independent work.  she’s been totally loving her “school” too!  her preschool class starts next week, so i think i’ll continue to do this program with her on the days she’s home.

so allie came home from her first day of school absolutely raving about it.  she’s loved it every day since.  and was even sorely disappointed when i told her she wouldn’t be going on the weekend and that monday was a holiday to boot.  she can’t wait to go back!  so yes, she loves school and i am SO relieved and happy that it’s gone so well thus far.  God is so good!

and because i didn’t quite have it together to have these little buckets ready to celebrate the completion of the first day of school, we celebrated the first week instead.

just as good, right?

i knew their very favorite thing from those buckets would be their very own roll of special tape.  tape is a much sought after commodity in this house and we are forever running out of it because of the yards and yards of it that gets wound around all their little projects.  they like to use five feet of tape where really an inch or two would have done the job.  so yes, each getting his or her own personal tape to use however they chose was a pretty big deal.  especially to this one.

because of her penchant for doing stuff like this.

so yes, the first week of school has gone over awesomely well in our house, praise the Lord!

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  • Lorie

    Happy first week of school! We are starting week two as well. Yes, I'm a bit behind on the blogging. πŸ™ I'm interested in hearing about why just Allie gets to go to school in the 'outside world', too. Love HOD…have several friends who use it. I almost switched to it this year, but decided not to because of the community factor. Love the goodie buckets for teacher and kiddos! My kids love tape too!

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