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her gift

she slipped into our room this morning and placed this on the bed next to me.  “it’s a present for you,” she said with a smile.

she went ahead and opened it for me.

i recently told the kids the story of how i lost the ring daddy gave to me when we got married.  she in particular has felt bad about the missing ring ever since.
and so decided she’d make a replacement one for me.
and guess what?  it’s a perfect fit!  
she says someday she wants to go to costco and buy me a real one when she’s bigger.  she’s still under the impression that you can get everything from costco.
i don’t know though… it’s going to be pretty much impossible to find something that’s more special and precious to me than the gift i already got.  and the one of a kind, made from her heart ring she made for me is just about perfect, too.
i am so, so blessed.
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