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one of the things we’ve enjoyed most about this summer has been the many playdates and gatherings we’ve been able to have in our home.  having loved ones here has been such a blessing to us and is something we look forward to doing more and more often.

it started with our little homeschool co-op end of the year celebration back at the end of june.  the very first gathering in our new home!

love these girls.

love their mommies too.  they have become very dear friends over the course of our homeschooling journey.  i could not have survived our first homeschooling year without them!

after our little homeschool celebration came a very impromptu little fourth of july gathering.  it was thrown together at the last minute possible so no pictures because i was running around like a crazy person throwing food out on the table and making snacks to take along to eat during the fireworks show.  it ended up being a very fun evening in spite of it being last minute and all, and we ended up sitting in a great viewing area to see the fireworks show at the beach.  good times.

and after that came a slew of playdates!

remember how i said girl parties (and playdates) somehow usually always involve crafts of some sort?

even the two brothers were drawn to the fun, even if it wasn’t of the usual legos-and-nerf-guns variety.  as mikey concluded at the end of this playdate, “hey, girls aren’t so bad after all!”

especially when there are popsicles to be had.  one of our little guests chose orange and the rest of ’em followed suit.

though they still mostly prefer time and space for girls to be girls…

and boys to be boys.

of course that’s not to say they don’t enjoy the same toys.  but it’s funny how they tend to separate into their little groups instead of playing all together.

unless of course it’s tv watching time.  because tv watching is best done all crowded together on one couch, right? 

as mikey’s always asking who are the next people to come over — who’s comin’ over?  🙂

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One Comment

  • joyceandnorm

    Super fun! We have had multiple playdates every week this summer. So much fun, but also tiring for this introverted mama. M is the same way as Mikey about asking if anyone is coming over. We'll come over! You guys are always invited over here too. Let me know when you come. 😉

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