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vbs 2012

our church had their annual awesome vbs a couple months back and i had the privilege of helping take pictures of the week.  here are some of my personal favorite shots.  🙂

praise time…

game time…

story time…

preschool time…

craft time…

“chatter theater” time…

snack time…

general cuteness time…

celebration sunday time…

in-n-out truck time…

my kids said they had an okay time.  i kid!  i kid!  they had a BLAST and can’t wait for vbs next year.  it’s always a highlight of our summer.  🙂

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  • joyceandnorm

    Shucks, we didn't have In-n-Out truck time. :p Yes, VBS is definitely a highlight of the summer!! We are going to the reunion for the Sky VBS next week. 🙂 Our own church did another one this year because ours is at the end of summer, and some of the kids who come would be doing the same VBS for the 3rd or 4th time. Love the shirts and the colors!!

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