old blog

house party

we recently had the pleasure of hosting a gathering of old friends at our house.

look!  it’s auntie esther and uncle eugene!  mikey kept wondering how it was that auntie esther was in our house and not at the aquarium.  you know, like how it blew your mind to see your teacher anywhere but at school?

our home filled to the brim with dear old friends.  love.  incidentally, see those keys in the corner there?  those are my keys.  jonah took off with them a few days ago and i haven’t seen them since.  i miss them.

there was much to be eaten.  (hi, sam!)  trays and trays of food from by brazil.  except they forgot to bring us the salsa but couldn’t (wouldn’t?) come back to bring it to us.  after being informed by every male and jenny that it was a vital part of the meal, jenny and i jumped into the car and drove across town to retrieve it.  we were rewarded with cheese bread for our effort.

it oddly felt like old cia days.  except with a bunch more kids hanging around.

cello!  and cello’s kid!

lovely flowers brought by the chois.  and wonder of wonders, i haven’t killed it yet!  (this is huge coming from me who once managed to kill a mini cactus that phil bought for me when we were dating.  how do you even kill a cactus?!  don’t they not need water being a desert plant and all?  that’s what i thought too and apparently, i thought wrong cuz that thing was deader than a doornail.)

lovely cupcakes brought by the equally lovely rhee family.  those things were so so good.  sigh.

and after all the eating was done, the kids retired to the tv room. 

you know, to digest.

and as soon as the last guest left, mikey declared, “that was FUN!!  can we do it again tomorrow?!”

it was FUN.  and though we didn’t do it again the next day, it is safe to say we’re all looking forward to doing it again SOON.  love you guys!

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