project 52

project 52, week 30

soon after we moved in, several of our neighbors came over to introduce themselves and welcome us to the neighborhood.  it was refreshingly awesome since that’s never really happened in any of our other moves aside from one next-door neighbor here and there.  most just kept to themselves and mostly we did too.  except for the fact that we have four very social kiddos who could often be found playing out front and would wave and call out “hello!” to anyone passing by.  we met many people that way and it’s been an unexpected blessing of having a more-than-usual number of kids.


it’s been nice settling in to a friendly neighborhood and we look forward to getting to know the people around us even better.

our next door neighbor even went out of her way to bring us these a month after we moved in…

they’re even prettier in color.  and tasted even better than that!

she’s an amazing 80-something year old woman who is currently being a full-time nurse to her 90 year old ailing husband.  yet her attitude is always positive and she always takes time to come over to say hello and chat for a bit.  the fact that she is so welcoming is even more amazing considering that they’ve been neighbors with the people who used to live in this house for over 50 years.  they were very close friends and such a transition would be naturally difficult to adjust to.  but she’s been wonderful and i really need to find a time to go over and visit as she’s often asked me to stop by.  yet i don’t want to intrude with our posse of kiddos and overwhelm them, especially if her husband isn’t feeling well.  so it’s a fine line.

in any case, really nice neighbors… another of God’s blessings for which we are so thankful.

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