old blog

backyard shenanigans

the last couple months have been crazy busy.  crazy, i tell ya!  also, it’s been crazy hot.  so we’ve been sticking close to home lately in order to try and contain the crazy.  it’s only sorta working.

and as soon as the hot, sunny days give way to the cooler, mellower evenings, everyone scoots out to the backyard.

you know, mostly just to hang around.

and get all up in each other’s business.

aw, but the little guy just wanted to play some ball, too.
good thing he’s easily distracted.
course sometimes you gotta get creative with the distractions.
making faces also helps, too.  helps with what, i’m not sure.  but for sure it does help.
cuz we all live to get one of these out of this boy.
and getting treated to some of these never hurts, either.
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