old blog

reality bites

this is one of the images i posted yesterday.

and this is how i’d like to remember our day at the beach.  we are very blessed.

the end.

just kidding.

we are indeed very blessed.  but not so blessed as to own a private beach.  and to go to that private beach on labor day and expect to find no one else there.  nope, not that blessed.

and while i find it exceedingly hard to believe that anyone would think life is perfect here in the tsai house, any amount of time spent with me, or my kids, or my husband, or any combination of us, in real life would quickly (oh so quickly!) correct that thought.

but i know looking at prettied up images sometimes makes reality easy to forget.

and maybe that has a smidge to do with why i love to blog- to keep the good parts in my memory and fade out the bad parts.  but sometimes a good dose of reality is exactly what the doctor ordered.  so to speak.  so in the interest of keeping it real and honest around here, here’s the same image as i took it:

kinda like going out into the world without a bit of makeup on.  freckles, zits, tilted horizons and all.

because all of it together comes from the hand of God and is what gives us opportunity to grow, reflect, be thankful, and give praise to our creator who does all things well.  even when we don’t.

but the girl in the hot pink bikini up near the tilted horizon?  it’s probably best to zap her out without anything more needing to be said about that.

this is a family friendly blog, after all.  😉

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