old blog

old flames

phil has a couple first loves that remain near and dear to his heart to this very day.  but no worries, i can peacefully coexist with this knowledge.  allow me to explain:  his ardent affections are for old interests that are enjoying a revival of sorts now that he has a little more time for such things.  so these loves of his?  well, the violet burning being one.  it’s okay if you’ve never heard of them.  i hadn’t either until we started dating and my musical horizons expanded whether or not i was particularly into his type of music.  i wasn’t.  and still am not.  but this does not deter or bother him one bit.  he blasts his tunes on his iWhatever and i listen until i can take it no longer then shake my head and retreat into another room.  and we’re both okay with that.

the other love being water polo.  also okay if you’re not really familiar with the game.  i wasn’t either until… well, you get the picture.

except i now find water polo games pretty interesting to watch.  maybe partly (or mostly) because the matches are mercifully short and action-packed.  kinda like ice hockey but without all the blood.  there is fighting, but they keep it underwater where we spectators can’t really see.

so when phil asked recently if we as a family wanted to go to a ucla water polo exhitition game, i was all for it.  because for one thing, it was ucla (go, bruins!).  and for another, it was free.  that adds up to a total win in my book.

“gooo number 1 bruins!” (isn’t that what ursa used to say?)

and please shed some light on some recent confusion for me… they call it “de NEV” now?!  wasn’t it always “de NEVE drive” before?  when did that change come about?  and why that makes me feel so stinkin’ old?

my wacky entourage.

discussing the finer points of water polo.

and sooner than later, jonah got a little too restless just sitting around so i took him down to an open area where he could stretch his legs a bit and climb on non-jpma approved play structures.

and this is what he looks like after bonking his head on the non-jpma approved play structure.

a quick hug and a kiss and all’s good in the hood.

back in action and lookin’ for adventure.

not sure if he found it, but at least he found his boys.

this boy absolutely, completely, definitively loves his big brother.

and happily, i think the feeling is mutual.

meanwhile, the girls were also reveling in their sisterness.

but all displays of sibling affection were off as soon as daddy whipped out the iphone.  mostly because i think he actually wanted to watch the water polo game we drove 25 miles to attend.  go figure.

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One Comment

  • James

    Hahaha I remember the violet burning. They actually grewon me a little, then Phil got married and I forgot all about them. Hehe. Yeah, he used to blast them in his Saturn. 🙂 ah, good memories.

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