old blog


i mentioned that i was having a certain little problem with reading homework a couple weeks ago.  namely that i was helpless against falling into a complete comatose state every time my little first grader would do her twenty minutes of read-aloud time to me.  the comfy couch… the warm little body pressed against mine… the sweet, haltingly soothing little voice stumbling over the words…  ZZZ.

out like a light.  a snoring light.

but, my friends!  i believe i have found the answer to my problem.  oh happy day!  and here she is:

 a handy dandy little sister!

who stays alert and engaged during the reading of the story.

awesome.  i am now ready to tiptoe off to start dinner.

but wait!  oh no, what’s this?  she appears to be leaning…

cannot. resist. that. sweet. haltingly. soothing. voice…

and… another one bites the dust.

*cough, cough* LAUREN! [that was me with the fake coughing].

ha ha, just kidding!  i’m awake, mommy!

boy.  it’s going to be a long year of reading-aloud homework.  sigh.

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