project 52

project 52, week 35

ok so it appears that i have 20 pictures left to finish my project 52.  and about 9 weeks left in the year.  hmm.

story of my life.

but!  i love the idea of doing a daily “thankful for…” for the month of november.  yet i know that i am very likely to fall behind on that, too.

so… i’m going to combine the two projects and see how many i can get done.  maybe all 20.  maybe 15.  maybe just this 1.  boy, am i glad that i have no hard and fast rules for either project.

in any case, it will remind me of all that i have to be thankful for as we head into this month of thanksgiving.

hey, maybe i’ll have mikey join me in this thankfulness project.  except his will be written down in his journal.  because um, the boy does need some more practice in the writing department. and the spelling department.  and the composition department.  golly, what’s he been learning in school anyway?  what’s up with that teacher of his?  sheesh.

aaaanyway.  there’s so much blessing when we stop and remind ourselves how much we have to be thankful for.  and to remember that it all flows from the kindly hands of our merciful and loving heavenly Father.

and so, i begin with thanking God for…

my four punks!  i am simply crazy about these little guys.  sure, sometimes they drive me crazy.  and lots of times i drive them crazy.  but it all makes for a crazy great life.

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