old blog


and then came the big day.  this year the kids wanted to go straight to our church’s fall festival instead of doing a little trick-or-treating in our neighborhood first.  they’re not big fans of the scary decorations some of the houses have up and to tell the truth, neither am i.  and being that phil had to work late, i was all for keeping it as simple as possible.

in the name of simplicity, we skipped a family theme this year (because really, nothing was going to top last year’s costume, right?) and let the kids pick out what they wanted to wear.

and so without further ado, allow me to present…

rapunzel! (yep, it’s the same one she wore at her birthday party.  getting extra mileage out of a costume = sheer awesomeness).

mommy’s ghetto version of rapunzel’s braided hair.  😉

ariel! (purchased during the summer from one of those deal sites and it’s a couple sizes too big, but still, woo!)



and unhappy masked super-hero skeleton baby!

don’t like the mask smooshing your eyes?  does it help if i shove it up onto your forehead?  no?

can i see your cool cape at least?

this is what happens when we let them pick out their costumes.  except for jonah.

ok fine, let’s just get this freak show on the road.

well guess who loved all the throwing games?  if you guessed the small boy who likes to pitch matchbox cars, cell phones, golf balls, and shoes at my head, why then you would be absolutely correct.

hey look! it’s JONAH and the big fish!  nyuk, nyuk…

meanwhile, the other kids were busy scampering from game to game to bounce house, to snack cafe, to laser tag, and back again.

and of course, storytime theater!  the girls loved this so much they made me take them in twice.

the big brother couldn’t be bothered with this picture business but the rest of the family managed to get framed.

guess who won herself her very own pet?

guess who else?

aaaand yep.  yay, me.  actually the big brother won another one for the littler sister.

unfortunately, two of the fish died the next morning.  but we promised them we’d get them each another goldfish from the pet store… sometime soon.

yay, me.

amazingly though, mikey’s goldfish he won at last year’s festival is still alive and kicking.  due solely to the very good care mikey provides for it.  so maybe some responsibility is being learned somewhere in there?

anyway, be it trick-or-treating, fall festival-ing, hanging out with family and friends, or staying in for a quiet night, hope your halloween was great.  🙂

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